

This paper presents findings from interviews amongst executives in various companies regarding their opinions on ecolabels. Their responses are used to generate recommendations for the up-and-coming ecolabel ClimateWise. The ecolabel is looking for the best ways to reach their targeted audience in the consumer goods industry. The subjects for the interviews were executives in various positions from the heads of sustainability, heads of marketing, CEOs, and directors of sales. The companies varied by industry, from large corporations to small startups. The results concluded that ClimateWise should reach out to executives in sustainability or CEOs of qualifying companies to facilitate the label adoption. When targeting large qualifying corporations, they should work internally with the company to best promote the label. They should partner with environmental organizations that qualifying companies support and attend climate summits to help advocate the brand. Finally, the beer industry is moving towards becoming more environmentally sustainable and is an industry ClimateWise should consider.



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